STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

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Article Archive For Vincent Cosentino

  • If the boss only knew technical analysis by Vincent Cosentino

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...If the boss only knew technical analysis by Vincent Cosentino When a company official, director or a large stockholder buys stock in the company, this has to be a sign that green grass and blue skies are ahead. After all, who knows the company better than the people in charge of running it? Virtually every company has incentive plans to motivate the top officials. Included in these packages are such perks as stock options and rights that allow the official to buy company stock below market and realize an instant profit. Sometimes, the company even provides a low-cost loan to help the officer...

  • Generalship for consistent profits by Vincent Cosentino

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Generalship for consistent profits by Vincent Cosentino. Rodney Dangerfield would have loved it. After the July 7, 1986 record drop of 61.87 points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, articles appeared crediting technicians with everything from making the right call to causing the slide. Headlines bellowed, ""Market gurus jolt the Dow,"" and ""Stock market's technical analysts get new respect after price drop. ""Hey Rodney! Respect! Of course, not all observers were complimentary. One fundamentalist skeptic flung his gauntlet to the marble with, ""I defy you to show me one technician who ha...

  • On tips and tipsters by Vincent Cosentino

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...On tips and tipsters by Vincent Cosentino Charles Schwab, of discount brokerage fame, was quoted as saying: ""I don't give (stock) tips."" While Mr. Schwab may not, it seems just about everybody else does. Turn on your TV, pick up the local newspaper, glance through a business magazine and somebody is recommending some stock. Provocatively entitled columns such as ""Heard On The Street"" and ""Inside Wall Street"" bespeak the imminent disclosure of furtively gained confidences from Wall Street's most inaccessible files. Journalistic puffs of steam? Or, are we really going to see fire and lav...

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